The pandemic resulted in unprecedented changes in consumption behaviors as consumers moved from offline to online channels. Old Spice sought to drive sales of its holiday pack offering at Walmart as the #1 “White Elephant Gift” of the season. BMF was tasked with developing a digital-first activation, with a clear path-to-purchase at walmart.com.
BMF’s thinking was simple: if Old Spice wanted to be the #1 “White Elephant Gift” of the season,” then why not host ‘The World’s Longest-Lasting Digital “White Elephant Gift” Exchange’?
BMF developed an eventified viral game, deployed on Instagram, whereby consumers could “steal” or “swap” exclusive Old Spice mystery prizes with their friends, engaging consumers and communicating that Old Spice holiday packs are the #1 “White Elephant Gift.” All user experiences ended at walmart.com, where the Old Spice holiday packs could be purchased.
The Grand Prize? The Ultimate Old Spice “Man Cave,” delivered to one lucky player’s door (a $13K value).
- Sold Out
At Walmart.com - 114K
Game Plays - 24
Articles - 3M+
Media Impressions - 1.4M+
Social Impressions - 3.7K
Clicks to walmart.com